Zero-point Energy Technology
to Upgrade your Cellular Body!
Thanks to the Scientific advances in the development of the ZeroPoint Energy Technology, with more than 20 years in use since its discovery, we have a technique that brings the Energy from Source, with the Zero Point frequency, that can:​
Heal, transmute an regenerate all your energetic and cellular body.
Elevate your vitality
Have a deep impact in your state of mind and emotions.
Improve your general state of consciousness by ascending in your personal awareness thanks to its effects on your Third Eye Chakra.
We recommend you have a first session with the technology to feel the immediate effects it has In your state of mind, and even in the way you look!
After you feel the immediate effects it has in your state of mind and your vitality you wont get enough of it!
The ideal programs with the Zero Point Energy Tech:
We suggest you have a frequent use of the tech ones a week for two month or a fast-forward shift with a more frequent assistance of three to six times a week for two month.
In these way you will upgrade your energy base line! Therefore you´ll feel more vital, happy and healthy!
Align & Activate your Energy Body
The practice of Yoga is spreading all over the World for a good reason is the tool that opens the mind to center in the sacred moment of the now.
Yoga is an amazing tool to your introduction to a meditative state.
By understanding and living Yoga with its true purpose, you will flow right into your Center and start to align all your chakras, which organize, focus and spread all your energy in your life.
And in the activation of your energy body through this truly good yoga practice you will uplift your whole vitality. You can call it rising up your Kundalini!
To book an individual & private group session in Ibiza or Barcelona write us a whatsapp message:
Reconnect & vitalize your whole Body with our dance flow sessions
Healing is dance and Dance is healing!
By bringing your freedom of movement in our dance sessions, you are going to open the space for your blocked emotions, your limitating perception of yourself, others and life, to open in your big bang explosion.
Motion is everything when it comes to open up your heart to change, revitalize and reconnect to your essence.
With our contemporary dance expert, we have guided sessions that will blow your mind and rise up your vibration.
To book an individual or private group session in Ibiza or Barcelona write to us a WhatsApp message: