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How I Can Help You?


If you are in the need to deepen your understanding of yourself, and want to give yourself the time and opportunity to silence the outside speech of who you should be, psychoanalysis is the tool that will open your pandora´s box.


Our subconscious is a rich space, hidden behind our conscious awareness that has an enormous influence in our behavior, feelings, desires and thoughts. If you lite some light to it, you´ll reach a wider understanding of yourself, that will lead you to a better alignment of who you are and the choices you want to stand from and live for in your life.


We are many times jailed in our thoughts, ideals and our musts does, from a Super Ego that limits our experience of life and our enjoyment. Stablishing a sincere dialogue with those ideals lets you breath again in a wider space, that sets you free to make your path from Choice rather than from Demand.


Alignment means being able to feel, walk and speak from your truth.

Past Life Regression

The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is an hypnosis tool that leads the person to a deep state of relaxation in which their Theta brain waves are activated, which keeps them semi-awake, in a deep meditative state that gives access to their Subconscious.


Thanks to the channel that opens to their deepest Subconscious, the person begins to "daydream", and accesses to personal memories and memories of the Collective Unconscious (as Carl Jung would say), finding in those experiences answers to their current concerns, from various angles and perspectives.

Likewise, in this meditative state, in the second part of the hypnosis session, the person comes to have a dialogue with him/herself in a calm state that gives them their own answers to those concerns, conflicts, suffering and philosophical understanding of Life and their Souls. Those answers come from their own wisdom, which in a conscious state they could not access because they are so wrapped up in discomfort and in their everyday life perception.


Believing or not in the immortality of the Soul and in Past Lives is not the main subject of this experience but rather an inevitable awareness that comes from it, opening the person a wider understanding of themselves in their Human experience, their purpose, the lessons to learn and the opportunity to grow from a kinder, wiser and free space of their hearts. 


This is an incomparable tool that opens our Minds the door to access our Souls!



When you experience hurt from lose, conflict, trauma or life changing experiences, in the personal, couples, family, social or professional areas in your life, psychotherapy is a great tool that can help you overcome those experiences.


In any experience you want to bring out your best version of you, aligned with your true Self and your integrity. Psychotherapy helps you bring out your strength and understand the lessons to learn from those experiences. You get to put order in the mess you might have in your saturated mind, and have a clear view - an eagle´s eye view – of that and many aspects of your life.


Psychotherapy is the first step to step into You.


Online Psychotherapy is a great way to begin therapy for many people who have difficulty in giving themselves more time to deepen in their introspective process.


Is usually done ones or twice a week, depending on the moment the person is going through, and the need for more emotional contention or depth in their internal process.


After at least 8 years doing online psychotherapy, I have come to be continually active in this specific practice, and very much specialized in making the experience as closer and greeting for the client as it can be. It should be felt as if you almost where in the consulting room.

Group Therapy: Psychodrama 

Psychodrama is a psychotherapeutic technique based in action tools as role playing, used in group sessions where personal subjects are talked and explored. 


We have a group of specialists in Psychodrama and together we make specific sessions of subjects as dreams and their meaning, archetypes, couples conflicts and personal distress, covid´s impact in the personal life, and so much more. 


The sessions are usually done ones a months, and last 3 hours each, in groups of 6 to 12 people depending on the subject. 


I recommend psychodrama sessions for people who need to break through from the resistance speech gives them to hide from themselves. In psychodrama emotion and wisdom comes up and many powerful insights are achieved in them.  

Humanitarian Assistance

Psychotherapy should be for everyone!


This is why we have created a space for those people who want to donate for:

Latin-American immigrants sufferings from the distress of the migration and the consequences in their  families. 


We give one free session and afterwards any contribution of your donations is canalized as one session through Cosmic Soul Center to give them the opportunity to continue their psychotherapy process. 

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